
A Story of Cinnabar 01

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  In ancient China, most people were very superstitious. They didn't visit a doctor but went for a necromancer when they were sick. At that time the doctors couldn't treat mania and withdrawal but the necromancer did. So, people preferred the necromancer to doctor.

  There lived a scholar who also was familiar with medicine. He thought carefully about the necromancer, “They just draw magic figures and intoned chant. How can they treat disease? There must be something in it.” So he had a plan with his wife to find the secret of the necromancer.

  One day, the scholar's wife went for a necromancer and told him that her husband had been caught mania.

  The necromancer went to the scholar's house immediately. With hair in disarray and face in dust, the scholar was mentally deranged and crying out, “Aha, I'm from the heaven to expel the evils for you ……”

  译文:朱砂的故事 01





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