
Two Little Hedgehogs

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  “No, you must not go through there, my dears, the road on the other side of this hedge is too dangerous,” said old Mrs Hedgehog to her four babies, Harry, Hetty, Hilda and Horace.

  It was a lovely warm afternoon, and the heat made Mrs Hedgehog feel very tired, so she curled up and was soon fast asleep.

  Hilda and Horace were not feeling sleepy but sat wondering what they could do next.

  Hilda winked at her brother with one bright eye and whispered:

  “Mother is fast asleep now. Let's just take one little peep.”

  The two naughty little hedgehogs were soon in the ditch on the side of the road.

  “My children's voices, I am sure,” she said to herself, and hurried through the hedge.

  There she saw Horace and Hilda crouching in the ditch, and a white terrier dog staring and growling at them. Quickly she curled herself up into a prickly ball and rolled down the bank towards the terrier.

  “Ow-w-w! It's a fierce enemy!” he yelped. “It stuck needles into my soft little nose!” And he took to his heels and fled.

  When all was quiet, Mother Hedgehog unrolled herself.

  “We are safe, now!” she cheered. Then she shouted to her two naughty children.

  Little Horace and Hilda cried bitterly.

  “Please, Mummy, forgive us,” they sobbed. “We are very sorry we were so naughty.”

  Mrs Hedgehog forgave her two bad little children, and took them home to tea.

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