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juvenalis, a widow, complained to theodoric, king of the romans, that a suit of hers had been in court for three years, which might have been decided in a few days. the king, being informed who were her judges, gave orders that they should give all expedition to the woman's cause, and in two days it was decided to her satisfaction.
theodoric then summoned the judges before him, and inquired how it was that they had done in two days what they had delayed for three years.
"the recommendation of your majesty," was the reply.

"why," said the king,"when i put you in office, did i not consign all pleas and proceedings to you? you deserve death for having delayed that justice for three years, which two days could accomplish." he immediately had their heads struck off.

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本文标题:古德明英语军事小故事:玩忽职守,该当何罪?(中英对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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