
The Dawn Chorus

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  Blackbird was angry. He was the leader of the Dawn Chorus, and Finch was late again.

  “How can we wake up the world with our song if you are always late?” he scolded, as Finch flew in hot and breathless.

  “I'm sorry,” said Finch. “I overslept.”

  There was no time for scolding because the sky was turning red as the sun rose. The birds filled the air with their most beautiful songs, telling the world that a new day was beginning.

  “Finch,” called Blackbird. “We won't be able to wait for you again.”

  Finch promised to go to bed early that night to see if that did the trick. But, no! next morning he was just as late as usual. He flew and flew as fast as he could, but it was no use. They had started without him.

  Finch sat on the bough of a tree and would have wept.

  “Shouldn't you be out there singing with the Dawn Chorus?” asked a slow voice beside him. Finch turned round quickly. There, on a branch beside him, was Owl, blinking sleepily.

  “I should be,” replied Finch. “But I am always late because I can't get up in time. This morning they started without me.”

  “Perhaps I can help you,” said Owl. “I can wake you up as I go home to bed. You see, I sleep during the day. Where do you live?”

  Finch told him and thanked him very much. Then he went to ell the other birds how sorry he was to have missed singing with them. But he was never late after that. The Owl kept his promise, and woke Finch up very early every morning, before the sun woke up.

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