
Going to the Sea

阅读 :

  The big brown suitcase lay on the spare room floor, and Joss knew what that meant. The family was going away, and he would be looked after by the people next door.

  Joss went up to the suitcase, and as it was open he peeped inside.

  “If I crept inside and hid,” Joss thought, “maybe I could go on the holiday, too.”

  He was very little, because he was a chihuahua, and when he had scrambled into the case and snuggled down under the paper, no one would have known he was there.

  Presently he heard a scratching on the side of the case, and a mewing sound. It was Muffett, the tabby cat, and her two kittens.

  “Let us in,” she said. “It looks very comfy in there.”

  Muffett and Joss were good friends, and the kittens were always climbing over his back in a playful way, so he was quite used to them, and he didn't at all mind them getting into the suitcase, too.

  They were just settling down nicely when Tim, the Labrador, came up.

  “No room! No room!” said Joss quickly.

  “You don't have to travel in a suitcase, silly!” said Tim loftily. “Haven't you heard, Joss? You and I are going with the family this year.”

  “Oh, good!” said Joss, climbing thankfully out of the case. “That's fine. But what about Muffett and her babies?”

  “Someone's got to stay at home and look after the house,” said Muffett, picking up a kitten in her mouth. “And I don't mind at all. 'East, West, home's best,' I always say!”

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