
Bunny in the Barley

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  Mother Bunny sat in the burrow with her children round her.

  “Now listen, my bunnies,” she said. “Farmer Brown will soon be cutting the corn, so you mustn't play in the corn field.”

  One fine morning, when the sun was warm, the six baby rabbits decided to play hide-and-seek. And one of them thought he would hide in the corn field.

  He waited and waited for a long time, but none of his brothers found him. The sun shone warmly and soon he fell fast asleep.

  Some time later the little bunny woke up with a start, as a strange, loud sound reached his ears: “Whirr, whirr!” He was so frightened he started to hop away as fast as his little legs would carry him. All at once a big brown dog came running through the field towards him.

  Then a little boy and girl ran up.

  “What is it, Ricky?” shouted the boy. “Oh, look, a baby rabbit!”

  “Put the rabbit on the bank!” cried the farmer to the children.

  So the little girl took the bunny in her arms and put him there.

  As soon as the little bunny reached home, he looked round to see if he had still got his white bobtail. It was still there!

  “You are a very lucky little rabbit!” said Mother Bunny. “But you must not play in the corn field again until it is cut!

  So the baby bunnies played in the warren until there was no more danger.

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