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many atrocities were committed by the americans during the invasion of sicily in 1943. on 14 july, 36 prisoners of war were gunned down near gela by their guard. us sergeant barry west. at buttera airfield, us captain jerry compton lined up his 43 prisoners against a wall, and machine-gunned them to death. west and compton were both arrested and convicted of murder. they were sent to the front, where both were later killed in action.

after the town of canicatti surrendered, some civilians were reported to be looting after they had entered a bombed out soap and food factory. at around 6 pm, an american officer and a group of soldiers entered the factory. the officer fired point-blank into the crowd, killing eight civilians. the atrocity was hushed up, and the perpetrator of the crime, lieutenant colonel mccaffrey, died in 1954.

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