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this is an episode from the novel a dream of red mansions. just as the whole family was busy prepasring the birthday ceremony for jia zheng, jia was summoned(传唤,召集) to report to the imperial court. his family did not know why and felt uneasy about it. the family members waited for quite a while before the butler(男管家) came back to say that jia yuangchun (jia zheng's eldest daughter) was conferred the title of highest-ranking imperial concubine(妾,情妇) .the emperor had granted that yuangchun would pay a visit to her parents at the upcoming lantern festival. the jia family relaxed after hearing the news. in order to welcome the homecoming imperial concubine, the jia family became busier and built a garden of grand views for the occasion.


on the day of the lantern festival, jia zheng's mother led all members of her clan to wait by the main entrance to the garden. accompanied by a swarm of(大群) imperial maids, yuanchun came back on a sedan chair(轿子) which was draped with an embroidery(刺绣) of a phoenix and tiny gold bells. eight men carried the sedan chair on their shoulders. the imperial concubine was shown around the garden, in which there were pavilions with gorgeously painted beams and pilars. there were also patches of bamboos and strangely-shaped stones. the trees in the garden were decorated with flowers made of silk cloth while lanterns made of conches and clams were placed aside a pond. the garden was decorated so majestically that even yuanchun thought it to be too luxurious.

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本文标题:元妃省亲的故事--中国文学名著故事中英对照 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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