
Another Ghost Story印度鬼故事-英语鬼故事带翻译(双语)

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another ghost story印度鬼故事:鬼魂是否真的存在,谁也说不清楚,但是心中有鬼与否人就知道了。

there was once an indian woman named devi. indian people usually have sacred and great names related to god. a "devi" is a female deva (heavenly being), and the name bears great meaning. sometimes, indians name their children after indra (the mythological king of the abode of the gods) in hopes that they will be better humans.


this indian woman devi had a young son named lahuve. the mother and child had to flee their home, which was occupied by an evil spirit that had killed many members of their family, including devi's parents-in-law and lahuve's six uncles. therefore, she decided to take her teenage son away from the haunted house for they were the sole survivors in their family. devi took her son to another place, where she ran a business for a living.

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本文标题:Another Ghost Story印度鬼故事-英语鬼故事带翻译(双语) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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