

阅读 :

this story is from the novel three kingdoms. cao cao's troops had suffered heavy casualties in the chibi campaign and there were only 300 troops left. cao cao led these troops to huarongdao in retreat. while marching on, cao cao, riding horseback, pointed his whip(鞭子) and laughed loudly, saying, "people say zhuge liang is wise and full of clever stratagems(策略,计谋) , but it seems to me he is as incapable as the average general. if he had an army waiting in ambush over there, i would have no way out."


before he could finish his words, the thunder of cannons was heard and an army headed by guan yu stormed out of hiding to block their way. at the sight of guan yu's mighty force, the hopeless and disappointed cao cao had to beg guan yu for a way out. "now i am pressed in the corner. please take mercy on me for our past friendship and let me go."

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本文标题:《三国演义》中义放曹操的故事--中国历史故事中英对照 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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