
安徒生童话:The Travelling Companion 旅伴

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poor john was greatly troubled, because his father was very ill and could not recover. except for these two, there was no one in their small room. the lamp on the table had almost burned out, for it was quite late at night.

you have been a good son, john," his dying father said, "and the lord will help you along in the world." he looked at his son with earnest, gentle eyes, sighed deeply, and fell dead as if he were falling asleep.

john cried bitterly, for now he had no one in all the world, neither father nor mother, sister nor brother. poor john! he knelt at the bedside, and kissed his dead father's hand. he cried many salty tears, until at last his eyes closed, and he fell asleep with his head resting against the hard bed-stead.

then he had a strange dream. he saw the sun and the moon bow down to him. he saw his father well again and strong, and heard him laughing as he always laughed when he was happy. a beautiful girl, with a crown of gold on her lovely long hair, stretched out her hand to john, and his father said, "see what a bride you have won. she is the loveliest girl in the world." then he awoke, and all these fine things were gone. his father lay cold and dead on the bed, and there was no one with them. poor john!

the following week the dead man was buried. john walked close behind the coffin; he could no longer see his kind father, who had loved him so. he heard how they threw the earth down upon the coffin, and watched the last corner of it until a shovel of earth hid even that. he was so sad that he felt as if his heart were breaking in pieces. then those around him sang a psalm which sounded so lovely that tears came to his eyes. he cried, and that did him good in his grief. the sun shone in its splendor down on the green trees, as if to say, "john, you must not be so unhappy. look up and see how fair and blue the sky is. your father is there, praying to the good lord that things will always go well with you."

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