

阅读 :

 A Man and a Satyr having struck up an acquaintance, sat down together to eat. The day being wintry and cold, the Man put his fingers to his mouse and blew opon them. "What's that for, my friend?" asked the Satyr. " My hands are so cold," said the Man, "I do it to warm them." In a little while some hot food was placed before them, and the Man, raising the dish to his mouse, again blew opon it. "And what's the meaning of that, now?" said the Satyr. "Oh," replied the Man, "my porridge is so hot, I do it to cool it." "Nay, then," said the Satyr, "from this moment I renounce your friendship, for I will have nothing to do with one who blows hot and cold with the same mouse." 

 译文:    一个人与赛特偶然相识,坐在一起吃东西。正值冬季,天气很冷,那人把手放在嘴边哈气。赛特问道“我的朋友,那是干吗?”这人说“我的手太冷了,这是为了取暖”。过了一会儿,热腾腾的食物端上来了,那人把碟子举到嘴边又吹了起来,赛特问“这又是干吗?”,那人说“哦,我的粥太烫了,我把他吹凉些”。赛特说“从现在起,我要与你绝交,因为我不想和一个反复无常的人做朋友”。 词汇:atyr 赛特(希腊神话中半人半羊的神)strike up an acquaintance 偶然成为朋友porridge 粥renounce 拒绝,放弃

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本文标题:伊索寓言:人与赛特 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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