英格兰王后Anne Boleyn的鬼魂-英国鬼故事英语版
安妮·博林(anne boleyn,1501年/1507年-1536年5月19日)是英格兰王后,英王亨利八世的第二任妻子,伊丽莎白一世的母亲。anne boleyn,这是传说中一个带着b的项链的女人,她据说青春活泼,虽不是很漂亮,却有一种独特的魅力.她改变了英格兰和罗马教皇的关系,她让不可一世的henny八世神魂颠倒.她是英国最能干最受民众欢迎的女王伊丽莎白的母亲。在历史记载中,anne boleyn(安妮 博林)常常是一个反面人物,就连她的亲生女儿伊丽莎白一世,都闭口不提她的名字。她被处死的罪名,是女巫、和包括哥哥在内的若干男人私通,以及叛国。她恳请法庭给她一个公正的审判,但没有得到。有些后人把她比作戴安娜 - 被皇室利用,被皇室牺牲(谋杀?)。也许,她应该得到一些同情。英国也有人呼吁给她平反。
the ghost of queen anne boleyn is quite a unique phenomenon in the world of the paranormal. unlike most ghost who haunt a certain locality, queen anne boleyn's ghost is said to haunt a number of different locations through out the uk. her spirit seems to have left a permanent imprint on the fabric of her surroundings, which is perhaps down to the impact she made in life and her traumatic death as to why her ghost still persists more than 500 years after her execution.
anne boleyn was the second wife of king henry viii, with their marriage changing the course of english history. king henry was already married to catherine of aragon and could not obtain a divorce from the roman catholic church. in order to obtain his divorce he therefore created a reformed version of the church, putting himself at the head - a direct challenge of authority to the pope.