- 格林童话: 小羊羔与小鱼儿(中)
- 从前有个小弟弟和小妹妹,非常相爱。他们的母亲已谢世,他们又有了一个继母,继母待他们很不好,常常暗地里想方设法虐待他们。有一次,兄妹俩正在屋前的草坪上和其他的孩子们玩,草地旁有个水池,水池紧挨着屋子。孩子们围...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 旅行去(英)
- Going TravelingJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time there was a poor woman who had a son who wanted very much to travel. His mother said, "How can you travel? We have no money at all for yo...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 旅行去(中)
- 从前,有位穷女人,她有一个儿子。这儿子总想出去旅行,母亲说:“你怎样去旅行呢?我们没有一点钱能让你路上用。”儿子说:“我会自己想办法的。我会说:不多,不多,不多。” 他就是这样走了好些日子,嘴里总是“不多,不多,不...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 小毛驴(英)
- The Little DonkeyJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once there lived a king and a queen who were rich and had everything that they could wish for, but no children. She complained day and night about this,...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 小毛驴(中)
- 从前,有个国王和王后,他们很富有,简直享有一切他们所希望的东西,只是没有孩子。王后为此日夜伤感,说:“我就像块不长庄稼的地。”上帝最后成全了他,给他了个孩子,但这孩子根本不像人,而是头小毛驴。母亲不见则已见了叫...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 不肖之子
- The Ungrateful SonJacob and Wilhelm Grimm A man and his wife were once sitting by the door of their house, and they had a roasted chicken before them, and were about to eat it together. Then th...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 返老还童(英)
- The Little Old Man Made Young by FireJacob and Wilhelm Grimm At the time when our Lord still walked on earth, he and Saint Peter stopped one evening at a smith's and were gladly given lodging....
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 返老还童(中)
- 当我们的主还在地上巡视时,有一天晚上,他带着圣彼得到一个铁匠家投宿,铁匠倒还乐意。这时碰巧来了位乞丐,年迈体弱,精神不振,样子十分可怜,他求铁匠施舍点东西给他,圣彼得很同情他,说:“主呀,如果你愿意,请帮他治一下病吧...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话:The Rooster Beam
- The Rooster BeamJacob and Wilhelm Grimm There was once a magician who was standing in the midst of a great crowd of people performing his wonders. He had a rooster brought in, which lifted a he...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话:The Old Beggar Woman
- The Old Beggar WomanJacob and Wilhelm Grimm There was once an old woman, but you have surely seen an old woman going begging before now. This woman begged likewise, and when she received anything...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 三个懒汉
- The Three Lazy OnesJacob and Wilhelm Grimm A king had three sons whom he loved equally well, and he did not know which of them to appoint as king following his own death. When the time came f...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 星星银元(英)
- The Star TalersJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time there was a little girl whose father and mother had died, and she was so poor that she no longer had a room to live in, nor a bed to slee...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 星星银元(中)
- 从前有个小女孩,从小父母双亡,她穷得没有地方住,也没有床儿睡,除了身上穿的衣服和手里拿的一块包外,甚么也没有了,就是那包也是个好心人送的。她心地善良,待人诚恳,但她无依无靠,四处流浪。 一次她在野外遇了一位穷...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 两枚硬币(英)
- The Stolen FarthingJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once a father was seated at the dinner table with his wife and children. A good friend who had come to visit was eating with them. While they were sit...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 两枚硬币(中)
- 一天,一家人和一个来访的好友坐在桌子旁吃午饭,吃着吃着,钟声敲响了十二点,这时客人看到门打开了,进来了一个孩子,他穿着白夹克,脸色有点苍白。他不看四周,也不说一句话,就径直走进了隔壁的房间。不久他又出来了,同样一...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 挑媳妇
- Choosing a BrideJacob and Wilhelm Grimm There was a young herdsman who wanted very much to marry, and was acquainted with three sisters. Each one was just as beautiful as the other, so it was d...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 扔掉的亚麻(英)
- The HurdsJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time there was a girl who was beautiful, but lazy and negligent. When she had to spin she was so ill tempered that if there was a little knot in the...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 扔掉的亚麻(中)
- 从前有位姑娘长得很漂亮,但很懒惰又马虎。如果叫她纺织,她总是心浮意躁,麻里有个小结,她就会扯掉一大堆麻,扔在身边的地上。有一个勤快的丫头,把摔掉的麻收拢来,洗乾净,又精心地纺了一遍,用它织成了一件漂亮的衣服。一...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 谜语童话(英)
- A Riddling TaleJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Three women were transformed into flowers which stood in a field. However, one of them was allowed to be in her own house at night. One time when day was a...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 谜语童话(中)
- 三个女人变成了鲜花生长在田间里,但允许其中的一位晚间回家过夜。天亮前,她得赶回田间的同伴那儿去,并变回花朵。她於是对丈夫说:“今天下午如果你来把我摘回来,我就可获得自由,就可和你守在一起。”那天下午他去了...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 聪明的小伙计(英)
- The Clever ServantJacob and Wilhelm Grimm How fortunate is the master and how well it goes within his household when he has a clever servant who, to be sure, hears his orders, but does not obey...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 聪明的小伙计(中)
- 如果主人有一个聪明的小伙计,他既顺从听话,又能凭着自己的聪明才智行事,那主人多幸运啊,他的家又该是多安乐!曾有这样一位聪明的小伙计汉斯,一次主人让他去找回走失的牛,他出去后好长时间没回家,主人想:“汉多忠心,干起...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 懒鬼哈利和胖婆特琳娜(英)
- Lazy HeinzJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Heinz was lazy, and although he had nothing else to do but to drive his goat out to the pasture every day, he nevertheless groaned every evening when he return...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 懒鬼哈利和胖婆特琳娜(中)
- 哈利是个大懒鬼,其实他只要把羊赶出去放牧,也别无它事。不过每天放羊回家后,他总要唉声气:“这活实在太累了!成年累月都要去放羊,太乏味了!只是到了秋天才能休闲片刻,要是能躺下来睡上一大觉有多好啊!不过你休想,你得时...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 格林童话: 瘦莉莎(英)
- Lean LisaJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Lean Lisa was not at all like Lazy Heinz and Fat Trina, who would not allow anything to disturb their rest. She burned herself out from morning until evening an...
2018-12-12 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事