

阅读 :


    your letter; your favour; your esteemed letter; your esteemed favour; your valued letter; your valued favour; your note; your communication; your greatly esteemed letter; your very friendly note; your friendly advice; yours.


    our (my) letter; our (my) respects; ours (mine); this letter; these lines; the present.


    the last letter; the last mail; the last post; the last communication; the last respects(自己的信); the last favour(来信).

    the next letter; the next mail; the next communication; the letter following; the following.


    your letter of (the) 5th may; your favour dated (the) 5th june; yours of the 3rd july; yours under date (of) the 5th july; your letter bearing date 5th july; your favour of even date(ae); your letter of yesterday; your favour of yesterday's date; your letter dated yesterday.


    your telegram; your wire; your cablegram(从国外); your coded wire(密码电报); your code message; your cipher telegram; your wireless telegram; your telex; your fax.


    your telephone message; your phone message; your telephonic communication; your telephone call; your ring.

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本文标题:英语商业书信:信中常用语 - 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作

