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英文博客网:一个写英语日记和英语周记的好地方! China Classifieds!


促销的目的就是要卖出产品,那么怎样才能把促销信写得吸引人、让人一看就对产品感兴趣呢?下面就教你促销信的四步写法、打造 very attractive的促销信。

第一步:to arouse attention

促销信都是“不请自来”,所以开头一定要有吸引力和诱惑力。it must make an appeal to some particular buying motive and may begin with a question, and instruction, a quotation or an attention-grabing short story. sometimes if required, it may even begin by suggesting the very opposite to what you want.看看下面这些开头是怎么写的:

1) would you like to reduce your rising domestic fuel costs?

2) why not enjoy the colorful spring by joining the flying horse tourist group after a completely busy winter?

3) just imagine how comfortable you are when you stretch out those tired limbs on our newly developed white cloud water bed.

第二步:to create interest and desire


our recent researches and tests have showed that rooms with our newly developed energy savers stay warmer and require 20 percent less fuel than those rooms of the same size without the usage of the savers. the new savers are popular because they are able to store and reflect heat in a much more efficient way. read the enclosed brochure, you will find that the self-stick backing makes them easy to install yourself.

第三步:to offer conviction通过产品介绍引起读者的购买欲望后,就该进一步加强读者购买的决心。你可以详细说明并保证产品会给读者带来许诺的好处。且看下面这段内容是如何吸引客户的:1) use our fast microwave oven for two weeks absolutely free.2) if for any reasons you find the model machine unsuitable to your needs, we will replace your order or refund you.

第四步:to motivate actions到了这一步,所有的努力都指向一个目标:促使客户采取行动、购买产品。这时语气要礼貌坚决,并提供给客户如何购买产品的指示,以方便客户购买。下面是一些常用的策略:1) why wait? come and buy right now since a special discount of 15% will only be offered for a month.2) don’t delay! those who order by october 5 will receive 100 oriental design christmas cards free.


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本文标题:常用国际商务信函基础知识精选:完美促销英文信 - 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作


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