英语E-mail抄这本就够了 Unit 5-6:邀请赴宴
Dear Sarah,
My husband and I should be very much pleased if you and your daughter would dine with us at 6:30 p.m. next Sunday, the eleventh of the Emperor Building. I am inviting a few other people, and I hope we may sing Karaoke after dinner. If you would consent to bring some video tapes, I am sure we would have a most wonderful evening.
我和我的丈夫非常高兴地邀请你和你的女儿前来参加我们的晚宴。时间定于下个星期日下午六点半,地点位于帝国大厦十一楼。我还会再邀请一些人,我希望吃完晚饭我们可以去唱卡拉 OK。如果你能带些录影带来,我相信我们将度过一个最美妙的夜晚。
We do hope you can come and are expecting to see you then.
Yours cordially,
May Smith
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