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第53期双语笑话加练习题 邮政快递(1)

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  My husband asked me to go to the post office to mail his resume in anticipation of a job interview. He instructed me to send it the fastest way possible.
  Struck by the urgency in his voice, I grabbed a handful of change and dashed out the door. Arriving at the post office, I rushed to the counter and breathlessly explained to the clerk that my envelope had to be delivered immediately . He casually weighed the envelope and said it would cost $ 10.03.I fumbled through my pockets and tallied up my coins. "But I don't have $ 10. 03, " I said. He punched some more buttons and said, "Okay, that will be $ 7. 40, ma am.
  Once more I said in dismay, "Sorry, I don't have $ 7.40.
  "Well," he sighed, "exactly how much do you have?"
  I meekly answered, "I have exactly $ 2. 15, sir."
  With that, he yelled over his shoulder to a coworker, "Hey, Charlie, get the pigeon ready.
  (1) resume n. 履历
  (2) anticipation n.期望
  (3) dash v.急奔;猛冲
  (4) breathlessly adv.上气不接下气地
  (5) casually adv.漫不经心地
  (6) fumble v.摸索
  (7) tally up算上
  (8) punch v.敲;击
  (9) dismay n.困惑;茫然
  (10) meekly adv.谦和地
  ① What did the husband asked the wife to do?
  A. to get up early
  B. to get out of the door
  C. to post his resume
  D. to go to his office
  ② From the passage we can see
  A. the husband was applying for a job
  B. the husband was bad tempered
  C. the husband was always rude to his wife
  D. the husband was anticipating a new clerk

(1)    (2)    

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本文标题:第53期双语笑话加练习题 邮政快递(1) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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