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  Nasdaq to launch China equities index

  LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The Nasdaq Stock Market Inc said on Tuesday it will introduce the Nasdaq China Index to track the performance of the largest Chinese companies whose securities are listed and actively traded in the United States.

  Nasdaq said it will begin disseminating the index, with 30 companies, during the second quarter of 2007.

  The Nasdaq China Index will be calculated using a modified market capitalization(资本化)methodology(方法论).Companies headquartered in China, including Hong Kong, which are listed on Nasdaq, the New York Stock Exchange or the American Stock Exchange are eligible(合格的) for inclusion.

  The stocks must also have a market capitalization of $200 million, an average daily U.S. trading volume of 100,000 shares, and a price of $3 a share as a minimum.

  注:不知道你发现没有,这篇文章的标题看上去不太完整,似乎缺少了“谓语”,实际上它是新闻标题中最常见的一种结构形式,意在简练突出主题。如果补全的话,就是“Nasdaq plans to……”。




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本文标题:纳斯达克推中国股票指数 - 商务英语写作_外贸英语函电_英语应用文写作


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