和宝宝说话 Talking to Babies
Talking to babies is really a funny thing. Some babies like you talking to them, although they don’t understand what you say or they can not say anything. When you talking, they react to you in their own ways. When they grow to about a year old, they learn to talk. At that time, they can’t talk clearly. After that, it’s the golden age for them to learn to talk. Mostly, they copy what their parents say, word by word, phrase by phrase and sentence by sentence. Therefore, when you talk to them, they can talk to you, too. It’s so funny in this stage. Besides, you should care much about what you say, because their learning abilities are so good. Therefore, you can’t have bad influence on them. 和宝宝说话真的是一件非常有趣的事。有的宝宝喜欢你跟他讲话,尽管他们听不懂你所说的,或者他们不会说。当你说话的时候,他们用自己的方式回应你。当他们长到快一岁的时候,他们就开始学说话了。那个时候,他们还不能说清楚。过后便是他们学讲话的黄金年龄。大部分的宝宝会一字一词一句地模仿父母讲话。因此,当你和他们说话的时候,他们也对你说话。这个阶段是非常好玩的。此外,你应该注意你所说的,因为他们的学习能力很强。因此,你不能对他们产生不良影响。