
我的家乡汉沽(My hometown Hangu)

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我的家乡汉沽(My hometown Hangu)

Situated in eastern Tianjin and facing Bohai sea in the south, Hangu is a coastal industry based district of Tianjin. It has jurisdiction over 441.5 square kilometers’ region. It has a population of 170 thousand,its industry and agriculture complement each other and the function of city and village supplements each other,Hangu has a vast hinterland and complete basic facilities,Hangu district has very convenient communication and transportation conditions,Hangu is ideal investment areas for developing industry. Hangu is an essential part of the new coastal area. The investor will enjoy all preference policies. The government of Hangu district based on the aim of“Investors are gods and profited”.It will provide investors for fairly good external conditions and complete set of service and create advantageous and complete set of services and create advantageous investment environment.

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本文标题:我的家乡汉沽(My hometown Hangu) - 初中英语作文_初中生英语作文_七年级英语作文


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