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大学英语作文模板: 父母应不应该替孩子买房?

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Should Parents Buy Apartments for Children?

In recent years, Chinese housing prices become higher and higher, whether own a room, has become a standard of measuring one's financial capacity ability. Most young people are just graduated, and can not afford a house. Under this background, parents helping their children buy a house in China has become a new "tradition." In my opinion, parents can provide help for children to buy a house, but there is no obligation to buy a house for the children.


First, young people should learn more, pay attention to accumulate more experience, instead of concerning with material conditions. They could rent house first, while they have enough money, they could buy the house they want. China's housing prices generally very expensive, especially front-line cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai. And not every family has the condition for their children to buy a house, so young people should change the concept of depending on their parents, and fight for their own financial independence. Second, parents always give without asking return in the process of children growing up. When the youth grow up, they should return parents and give them more care, rather than further request. Finally, to buy a house will bring young people a certain amount of pressure, but pressure is power, it will spur more ambitious young people and mark them work harder.


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