背景介绍 :
以下四个经理必须在两周之内的某一天在巴黎开个会,这是他们的日程,请和你的 partner 商量会议定在哪一天。
1st Week | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri |
2nd Week | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs hospital appointment | Fri 广东 -- 万达 主场 |
1st Week | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri |
2nd Week | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri |
1st Week | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri |
2nd Week | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri |
1st Week | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri |
2nd Week | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri |
budget airline : very cheap airline
cost- conscious : aware of how much the cost will be and avoiding costing too much
head office: the most important office of an organization or company, or the people working there
1.2 informal notes
tie up (not available) another event or activity
be up to your eyes in sth to be very busy doing something
push (persuade forcefully) to forcefully persuade or direct someone to do or achieve something
there is no way no way informal used to tell someone that something is impossible
drop everything to stop doing or planning something, especially an activity
it is not on (HAPPENING) happening or planned
You're on! used as a way of expressing agreement to something happening
be not on (mainly UK) Something that is not on is unacceptable and should not happen
i. 绝对不可能的日子: Friday is out. Friday is impossible. It can’t be Friday.
ii. 可能的日子 Thursday seems okay.
iii. 唯一可能的日子。 It’ll have to be Thursday. Thursday is the only option. That leaves Thursday.
iv. 来不了的日子: He can’t make Monday. He can’t manage Monday. I can’t (possibly) make it on Monday.
v. 来得了的日子: He can make Monday. He can manage Monday.
vi. 不太好的日子。 Tuesday doesn’t really suit me very well. I’m afraid not, at least rather not.
2.那就只剩下 So that leaves Thursday.