On Blind-date Show
On Blind-date Show
Nowadays, the blind-date shows are becoming more and more popular. Whenever we turnon TV, those incredible scenes of blind-date shows would pop up on the screen. Many people,from teenagers to the elderly, are so crazy about these shows that they never miss a singlechance to watch them.
Three reasons would contribute to the popularity of these blind-date shows. To beginwith, there are over 180 million people who remain single long after they have reached officialage for marriage. Moreover, a great number of people would like to amuse themselves bywatching other people dating. Last but not least, more and more television producers add acouple of attractive elements to cater for the different tastes of the audiences.
In my view, the government should impose restrictions to these blind-date shows. Many ofthese shows advocate money-worship and materialism; quite a few of the guests' identitiesare artificial. If these problems are not solved, the misleading effects can bedisastrous.