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  a brief history of world commercial fishing


  fish , i like it and i think you like it , too . but do you know that some day we will have no fish to eat ?nowadays the world’s rapidly growing population is crying out for more and more fish , which leads to the rapid development of commer cial fishing , which r esults in lakes , rivers and ocean s being c rowded with fishing-boats , which brings about the gradual extinction of many species of fis h . this dange rous tendency can be seen in the two pictures which reveal the dr amatic changes occur ring in world commercial fishing during the past 95 years : in 1900 fishes were many and boats few, while in 1995 boats were many and fishes few .

  the drawer of the pictures was , in my mind , supposed to be motivated by two purposes: to wa rn people of the danger of ove rexploiting fis h resour ces and to at tr act world’s at tention to the protection of fish species . we should thank the author whose pictures timely remind us to take counter-measures .

  to protect regula r comme rcial fishing and to prevent ove r-fishing, i suggest that governments of all count ries lay down cer tain laws and , at the same time, encourage a r tificial propagation so as to exploit new r esources . last but not the least important , those who a re engaged in fishery s hould be self-disciplined . in this way , i thin k we will have fish to eat every day .



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本文标题:2017年12月英语六级作文范文:世界商业捕鱼的简史 - 英语六级作文_六级作文_六级英语作文_四六级作文



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