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  设你是李华,你的英国网友Peter希望了解一下我国高考英语试卷(NMET)中的“短文改错”(Error Correction)题型的情况。请你写一封回复邮件。并特别强调自己某一次因为没有严格按照要求答题被扣掉了本可得到的7分。



  3.生词:(打)勾:tick 分:point 逻辑(的):logic

  Hi, Peter:

  Thanks for your e-mail. Here I’m going to tell you what you asked about.

  Error Correction, as the 1st section of Written Part of NMET, mainly tests the mastery of the use of words and grammar of English. The understanding of the given text is course important to the performance.

  There are 10 numbered lines, each of which may have one mistake. You have to decide firstly whether there is a mistake or not. If not, put a tick in the numbered blank. If there is a mistake, you may have to add a word, cross out a word, or change word. You have to find out the mistakes in the use of words and/or grammar. Sometimes there may be a logic problem, which would be the most difficult.

  Last time I got 7 points less than expected. Why? I didn’t put the answers strictly following the rule, although I did know how to do it.

  Anything still unclear? Just write to me.


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