
每日一笑 Illiterate(11.7)

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本文标题:每日一笑 Illiterate(11.7) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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      课堂上,我问外教“Japanese”这个词是怎么造出来的,外教起身拿起粉笔在黑板上写道:  Japanese  J unks(垃圾)  A dults video(色*情电影)  P rostitute(婊*子)  A ss(蠢驴)  N europathy(神经病)  E vil(罪恶...

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  • A beggar

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    Clumsy: Do you know you have food stains all over your apron?笨笨:你知道你的围裙被食物污渍弄脏吗?Peter: Ah! …You noticed!彼得:啊!你注意到了!Peter: …See anything you like?彼得:&h...

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      B: Nikky, if u r online, please contact me.  N: Hello, brian, how r u.  B: How do u do, I leave a message on your machine yesterday. (我昨天给你的电话留了言。)  「注」machine:机器,此处指“可留言电话...

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  • 每日一笑:如何用英语形容“花花公子”(9.25)

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    A:What happened to your fist?A:你的拳头怎么了?B:This guy tried to get away with a fast one, on our first date!B:这家伙使花招想逃脱,在我们第一次约会的时候。A:He tried to kiss you?A:他想亲你?B:No!...

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    Driving through Southern California, I stopped at a roadside stand that sold fruit, vegetables and crafts. As I went to pay, I noticed the young woman behind the count...

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每周一篇英文日志,坚持一年,你的英语能力将发生质的飞跃!☞ 点击加入