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  The traffic accidents on bridge road

  The rate of the traffic accidents has droppedconsiderably on bridge road in recent years.According to the statistic we have in hand, only sixaccidents took place in 2000. This accident rate iseven lower than that of 1991 when the rate was notincreased yet. In 1992, as the nearby road wasclosed, bridge road began too busy and a lot ofaccidents followed consequently. To bring down theaccident rate, the local government moved the bus stop 100 yards away from where had beenand reduced the accidents markedly. In the next four years, the accident rate remained moreless at the same level. Then in the years from 1998 onward, the local government put noparking, no right turn and no over taking signs by the road. All these signs have proved to bevery effective in reducing the traffic accidents.



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