

阅读 :

Is there a gap of living in cities and the countryside?What are the causes of the widening gap in your country and how can you reduce the difference?

The debate over the merits of city versus country living will probably never be settled to anyone’s satisfaction. But I believe that the argument has now gone in favor of the city.

Take China for example. Cities have been viewed as the sites for economic opportunity by the masses of people. The countryside has become progressively depopulated, as millions sought jobs and better lives in cities. The urbanization process in China hastened its steps and widened the gap between the city and the countryside for a time.

Commerce and industry have established the cities as places to live and work. And even if city life sometimes proves to be congested, expensive, and uncomfortable, it represents an improvement over the poverty of the countryside.

Moreover, urban cities are filled with people from many different local cultures, and this variety makes them interesting places to live. Many people choose to live in cities because they enjoy the variety of cultures found there.

However, the gap once deepened in scope and scale in China is now being narrowed down due to the wise policy of the Chinese government in developing the rural industry and agricultural productivity. Since 1979, a total of 222 million rural poor in China have thus been lifted out of poverty.

To sum up, the city, cherished by many people, is the place where culture emerges and flourishes, the heartland of economic development and prosperity, but our endeavor is to narrow down the gap between the city and the countryside.  (250 words)

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