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  Some people believe that students who want to attend colleges or universities after graduation from high school should spend one year taking a job to gain work experience or traveling to enlarge their vision. You should use specific reasons to state the advantage and disadvantage of this practice.






  Introduction (45 words)


  It is reported that average families' expenditure on education is increasing. Yet how to educate children in a right way always obsessively bothers us. A practice has been suggested that students should spend one year working or traveling to gain practical experiences before taking tertiary education. topic sentence 1 (14 words)There are some advantages to taking one year to work or travel after high-school education.


  Supporting sentences: (85 words)


  In general, high-school graduates are less than 20 years old without professional knowledge. When they take their places in society, only the low-paid or laborious job offers are available. After one year of hardships and humiliations, their desire for being equipped with specialized knowledge would inevitably grow greater, turning into powerful force to drive them on cherishing their further education. Next, travel can enlarge one's vision, and students can apply what they have seen or heard into their college curriculums/subjects, helping them better understand theoretical knowledge.


  BODY2(topic sentence2 (16 words)


  On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to working or traveling before going to university Supporting sentences( 102words)First, high-school graduates are too young to distinguish the good from the bad. It is common that Generation Y likes hanging out with friends; they move from one group to another and their friendships change over a period of a few weeks or months. Therefore, in society the probability of getting involved with evildoers is pretty high. It is said that the young are easy to become illegal drugs takers if misleading guidance is conducted. Second, to travel for one year is too expensive for people from all walks of life, not to mention that students' financial sources are chiefly from their parents.


  (**additional point: Besides, one-year travel means you have to be on a move for a long period from one city to another, even from one nation to another. Eventually you may not be able to calm down to concentrate on your studies after the journey.**)


  Conclusion (62 words)


  In conclusion, advantages of working or traveling for a long time before further education are obvious but not doable. In my opinion, to work at a very young age might result a hazardous social life and to travel for one year will increase financial burden to the family, hence to educate children in a row can mould them into sensible human resources.

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