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It is an undeniable fact that using tobacco will be harmful to your health. Especially is an effective method to suicide for that group of addictive people. But I think it is not equal to other illegal drugs which should be forbidden although it has so many drawbacks.

  A colorless, poisonous alkaloid endanger lung and respiratory, derived from the tobacco plant and used as an insecticide,NICOTINE is the substance in tobacco to which smokers can become addicted, difficulty explaining the strange effect make people calm down. It is considered a good method to relax nerves in this society. All of the severe pressures like fierce competition, unemployment threat, and extravagant expenses almost make everyone collapsed from exhaustion. Like cats on the hot bricks, these poor human seek various methods to release themselves.  It seems like a good way to indulged themselves with drinking and smoking,dippy with a confusedly condition. Few people stand in a firm position criticize its negative way because smoking would not make people lose mind and go to a dead lane, or disturb social system.  考试用书

  Different with cigarette, drugs not only lead to death, but also is a severe social problem needs to solve. In order to get a sudden huge profit, the mafia imposed on the druggy that need this narcotic extremely, to do illegal bargaining by any kinds of means. Selling drugs, murder, all of these would disturbance of the peace by criminal force from many countries, like Italian. Not only is this, the worst thing countless families destroyed, sadness and darkness around them. And that brings on instability and chaos to the society directly.

  All in all, the essential measurement is government should investment fund and labor force to reinforce legal system construction and social management. Impose penalty and improve social awareness and consciousness are the necessary condition. As for the private thing like smoking, we can do nothing except propaganda and education.

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