

阅读 :


401.the balance should be tipped toward practical courses in school curriculums.
  402.Women are more law-abiding than men.
  403.The number of vehicles is increasing much more rapidly than the building of roads.
  404.Many people, including drivers, pedestrians do not obey traffic rules properly, carefully at busy intersections.
  405.This undoubtedly worsens the already grave situation.中华考试网
  406. I'm confident that it will not be long before city traffic in China follows in a smother and more efficient manner.
  407.come up with their own solutions to problems they encounter instead of turning to their parents for help
  408.find it easier to adapt to modern society, which is full of competition when they grow up
  409.Children have less time to communicate with their parents, which may eventually create a gap between them, and weaken family ties.
  410.The experience of sth can give children valuable lessons about how to behave properly.

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