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 51.1970年美国家庭外出就餐的平均次数依然保持遥遥领先,平均每月2.4次,同时,英国家庭的外出就餐次数也大幅攀升至1次,而日本家庭的外出就餐次数只有稍微的一点增长,达到0.4次。转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]

  In 1970 American families still took the lead in terms of the times of eating out at restaurants, averaging 2.4 times per month. Meanwhile, British families also saw a big increase in the frequency of eating out, rising to 1 time per month while Japanese families only showed a slight increase in this respect, averaging 0.4 time per month.


  In 1980, there were substantial increases in the number of times of eating out for American and Japanese families, reaching 3.2 times and 1 time respectively. However, there was only a slight increase by 0.2 time for British families, standing at 1.2 times per month.


  1990 for American families was a year which witnessed the fastest growth in terms of eating out at restaurants and we see an increase from 3.2 times to 6.4 times. Besides, British families caught up with Japanese families, both hitting 1.4 times per month.


  In 2000, Japanese families overtook British families in the frequency of eating out at restaurants which was 2.8 times and 2.5 times respectively. Meanwhile, American families continued to climb in this respect and peaked at 7.2 times as indicated across the chart.


  We find that in 1980, those who went to work by bus accounted for 20% while those who drove was as low as 3%. However, there were 30% and 35% respectively of people who biked or walked to work.





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