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为什么你应该从现在就开始写英文博客? China Classifieds!

  Now it could mean a revolution for the publishing business. It's been called electronic paper, computer device which can hold 100 books or receive newspapers downloaded whilst you sit on a train or anywhere else. But instead of a flickering computer screen to give you a headache, the makers claim it's just like reading from normal paper.

  Britons have a voracious appetite for words, each year we buy around 300 million

  books and every day digest miles and miles of words in 13 million newspapers. Since the time of Gutenberg, all those words have been printed on paper. But it's this device or something like it about to change the way we get our words forever. Farewell to the dog-eared novel, the well-thumbed but out-of-date guidebook and the grubby newspaper. Meet Iliad, the first E-paper device to come to Europe.

  It's a whole new technology in screen display. It produces a very stable very clear

  image; you can read this in bright sunlight. It's a stable display; there is no flicker, so it's completely different to what you would now expect from the computer screen or a PDA.

  It's very light weight, so you can carry it around like a regular magazine. And this is incredibly robust, you know, I can just take my shoe and do this to it, and nothing happens to the display. This is just R&D electronics, the real product will look something like this, we will be able to shrink all the electronics into something on the edge of the device, so it will be like a magazine.'

  A paper-like device that can store hundreds of novels, update the news while you browse the headlines and weighs less than a paper back, almost certainly has a future. But as long as sand gets stuck between pages and corners are folded to keep your place, new technology isn't going to consign paper to the waste basket.

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