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  Topic: Function of education. (Academic subjects and other subjects)

  Thesis: Schools should make a balance between both rather than only emphasizes on academic learning.

  What is the most significant factor in influencing the shaping of characters and personality of a child? Do academic subjects really render everything necessary for children’s all-round development? Most schools put major emphasis on academic teaching because it is believed that academic subjects can guarantee better future careers. However, in fact, other subjects such as literature, music and sports, are more crucial to children’s development for they can give children many things beyond academic learning, including teamwork spirit, endurance and healthy physical body.

  It is true that academic subjects can teach children some fundamental knowledge and they can get further education and skills with such knowledge. But I don’t think academic learning can necessarily ensure better future careers. Academic learning is like the fundamental structure of architecture, it can only be improved and perfected by some other decorations, and that means it is supplementary subjects that can refine a child’s development.

  Learning literature can make children sensitive to things around them and teach them to be careful observers; music can tell children how to relax them selves and get inspirations through the power of it; sports can build strong wills and bodies for children for it shows to them the spirit of endurance and teamwork. We know that all these qualities are badly needed in children’s social lives in the future, especially when they get along or work with other people, when they confront difficulties or obstacles, and so on.

  What our society needs are not people who know nothing besides their textbooks, but people who know how to apply what they learn, know how to appreciate and endure in their lives, that means people with full sensibilities and practical skills; all these are not things children can learn from academic subjects.

  In conclusion, I think schools should reach a balance between academic subjects and other ones, so that we can expect new generations with all-round development.


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