

阅读 :


  In some countries, young people are not only richer but also safer and healthier than ever before. However, they are less happy. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? 在一些国家,年轻人更加富有,安全,健康,但是,他们还是不快乐,原因何在,如何解决?


  1. 做自己喜欢的事情

  2. 学习的乐趣

  3. 朋友带来的乐趣

  4. 生活的简单轻松

  5. 梦想的实现



  1. 有些青少年来自单亲家庭,或者是暴力家庭,缺乏温暖和关爱,很难快乐。

  2. 应试教育和填鸭教学使很多成长中的年轻人不堪重负,更谈不上发展自己的兴趣爱好,放松休闲,因此,很多年轻人不快乐。


  1. 幸福感其实和自我的期待值有关,欲望好像是盐水,越喝越渴。有时候,年轻人想要提升自我,但是,又缺乏力量,想要后退,又不甘心,欲求不得的焦虑正是不快乐的根源之一。

  2. 罗素在论及快乐的时候提及朋友和爱好可以是快乐的重要源泉,因此,个人爱好很少以及交际圈很小的人,很难获得更多快乐。






  1. numerous youngsters = a great many teenagers = a number of young people n很多年轻人

  2. youngsters = teenagers = adolescents = the young = young adults = those who are in the formative years n年轻人

  3. acquire = attain = obtain v获得……

  4. well-being = pleasure = happiness n幸福

  5. feel cheerful = feel delighted = feel happy v 感到快乐

  拓展:remain cheerful in times of adversity v逆境中保持乐观

  拓展:see the sunny side v看到积极的一面

  6. feel gloomy = feel depressed = feel morose v 感到很郁闷

  7. as for sb = on the part of sb = on the side of sb v对于……来说

  8. such is human nature to do sth 去做 …… 是人之常情

  9. enlarge one’s circle of friends v扩大交友圈

  10. meet and make bunches of new friends v结识新朋友

  11. exam-oriented education n 应试教育

  12. exercise-stuffed teaching method n 填鸭教学方法

  13. efforts should be made by educators to do sth 教育者应该做出努力去……

  14. it is imperative for sb to do sth 去做 …… 对于某人来说是势在必行

  15. adjust one’s mentality to do sth v调整心态

  16. have a good state of mind v拥有良好心态

  17. get a clear perspective of oneself v对于自己有清晰的认知

  18. foster a variety of new hobbies v培养新的爱好

  19. declined sense of happiness n下降的幸福感

  20. improve one’s happiness index v提高幸福指数

  21. help students reduce the academic burden 帮助学生缓解学习压力

  22. confronted with the exam-oriented education, the young live under a pool of pressure in many countries 面对着应试教育,很多年轻人承载着巨大的压力

  23. The measures to reduce both educational and social pressure should be given to the young. 我们应该采取措施,帮助年轻人缓解来自教育和社会的压力

  24. add color to one’s dull routine of everyday life 给单调的生活增添乐趣

  25. It is up to us to find the ways and means to achieve that happiness each of us seek and desire 我们要自己寻找实现我们追求和渴望的幸福的方式。

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