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  Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company. Which would you prefer?

  Model Answer:

  The issue whether working for a large company is better than working for a small company is a controversial one. From my everyday experience and observation I think that every option has its advantages and disadvantages. I base my opinion on the following points.

  From the one side working for a large company brings many benefits. First of all, one has better medical insurance, higher salary. Often employees of a large company have less responsibility. Moreover, they feel more secure because their company has more clients and this means better chance to survive on the modern market. However, one working for a large company has less chance to be promoted because one's manager does not want to lose his or her job unless she or he is promoted too. Also, from my observation, managers of a large company do not pay much attention to one's solutions and suggestions.

  From the other side working for a small company has many advantages too. Firstly, one has better chance to be promoted. Secondly, one can talk to the owner of the company about any improvements that can be done in order to get more profit. Another important aspect of working for a small company is the opportunities to find out more about how company works. As a result of this one can gain more experience and get better recommendations. However, this also has some disadvantages. For instance, one can get less salary, worse medical benefits, etc.

  To sum up, I think that every person chooses for himself what he or she wants. If one wants better career and more responsibilities then a small company is better choice. Otherwise, working for a large company may be a good option too.

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