1.从图表反映的情况来看:托雅男教师所承担的每周工作量要高于女教师的。 As can be seen from the charts, the weekly workload borne by male teachers outweighed that of female teachers at Toya. 2.从图表反映的情况来看:读雅思的人数远远超过读托福的,同时,读托福的人数一直呈现平稳上升趋势。 As can be seen from the chart, those who chose to study for IELTS far outnumbered those choosing to study for TOEFL. Meanwhile, the number of those who chose to study for TOEFL was on a steady rise. 3.从整个图表反映的情况来看:托雅总部以及五个分校的营业收入都呈现出了快速的增长趋势。 As can be seen from the chart, the sales of Toya Headquarter and the five branch schools all revealed a trend of fast increase across the board. 4.我们可以从图表上看出:托雅的女生比例远远高于男生所占比例。 As can be seen from the chart, the percentage of female students was far higher than that of male students at Toya. 5.从图表反映的情况来看:托雅学生在饭店用餐的频率在不同的月份呈现出了相应的波动趋势。 As can be seen from the diagram, the frequency of Toya students eating at restaurants revealed a trend of fluctuations in different months. 雅思小作文的写作其实相对来说还比较容易把握,建议大家在复习的过程中,注意积累好的句型句式。当然,在具体的写作过程中,注意灵活使用。模仿痕迹不要过重,以免让考官考出端倪。预祝大家在考试中都能取得更好的成绩。
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