
2016年3月31日最新雅思写作大作文话题语料库--Positive Effects of Video Games

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“Video games change your brain,” according to University of Wisconsin psychologist C. Shawn Green. Playing video games change the brain’s physical structure the same way as do learning to read, playing the piano, or navigating using a map. Much like exercise can build muscle, the powerful combination of concentration and rewarding surges of neurotransmitters like dopamine strengthen neural circuits that can build the brain.


Related words:

quick thinking 思维敏捷 fast analysis 快速分析

decisions决策 accuracy准确,精准

memory 记忆力 concentration 集中

strategy and anticipation 策略与期待

situational awareness 处境意识 perseverance 毅力

pattern recognition 模式识别 estimating skills 估计技能

inductive reasoning and hypothesis testing 归纳推理与假设检验

Reasoned judgments 理性判断 Management 管理

Simulate real world skills 模拟真实世界的技能

Positive Effects of Video Games:

1.When your child plays video games, it gives his brain a real workout. In many video games, the skills required to win involve abstract(理论上的) and high level thinking. These skills are not even taught at school.

2.Video games introduce your kid to computer technology and the online world. You should recognize that we are now living in a high-tech, sophisticated(复杂的)world. Video games make your kid adapt (适应)and be comfortable with the concepts(观念) of computing. This is particularly(尤其地) important for girls who typically(通常) are not as interested in high technology as much as boys.

3.Video games allow you and your kid to play together and can be a good bonding(结合) activity. Some games are attractive(有吸引力地) to kids as well as adults, and they could be something that they share in common. When your child knows more than you, he can teach you how to play and this allows you to understand your child’s skills and talents(天赋,天资).

4.Video games increase your kid’s self-confidence and self-esteem(自尊) as he masters games. In many games, the levels of difficulty are adjustable(可调整的). As a beginner, your kid begins at the easy level and by constant practicing and slowly building skills, he becomes confident in handling(处理) more difficult challenges. Since the cost of failure is lower, he does not fear making mistakes. He takes more risks and explores more. Your kid can transfer(转移,转变)this attitude to real life. Also, video games can give your child a sense of competence(能力) or mastery, which is a human psychological need.

5.Games that involve multiple(多个)players encourage your child to work cooperatively(合作)to achieve his goals. Your kid learns to listen to the ideas of others, formulate(制定,规划) plans with other kids, and distribute(分配)tasks based on skills. Some online games are even played internationally, and this can introduce your kid to players of different nationalities and cultures. This fosters(培养) friendships among different people.

6.Another study published in Scientific Reports have found that Action Video Gamers have more gray matter and better integration(整合) of brain networks associated with attention and sensorimotor(感知运动的) function.

Negative Effects of Video Games

7.Kids are not necessarily drawn to video games because of their violence(暴力). The attraction lies in their being rewarded by awesome(可怕的) displays of explosions(爆炸), fireworks, and yes, blood splattering. Also, violent games have the most emotional appeal(情感诉求)for kids. But these factors are only secondary to what kids actually enjoy in these games – the opportunity to develop and master skills and have the freedom to make choices in the game universe.

8.Video games make players’ visions become more sensitive(敏感的) to slightly (轻微地)different shades of color, according to a University of Rochester study. This is called contrast sensitivity(对比敏感度), and observed (观察)particularly in first person shooter games players. “When people play action games, they’re changing the brain’s pathway (通路)responsible for visual processing,” according to lead researcher Daphne Bavelier. The training might be helping the visual system to make better use of the information it receives.

9.Video games can improve your kid’s decision making speed. People who played action-based video and computer games made decisions 25% faster than others without sacrificing(牺牲) accuracy(精确性), according to a study from the University of Rochester. Other studies suggests that most expert gamers can make choices and act on them up to six times a second—four times faster than most people, and can pay attention to more than six things at once without getting confused, compared to only four by the average person. Surprisingly(令人惊讶地), the violent action games that often worry parents most had the strongest beneficial effect on the brain, according to cognitive(认知) neuroscientist Daphne Bavelier, who studies the effect of action games at Switzerland’s University of Geneva and the University of Rochester in New York.

10.Finally, according to a study, gamers actually tend to be more social, more successful and more educated than people who make fun of them.

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