
雅思写作教育类高分范文 | 每个人都应该上学到18岁

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Everybody should stay at school until 18 years old. To what extent do you agree or disagree?每个人上学都应该至少到18岁。你在何种程度上同意或者不同意这个观点?

To compete in a global economy young people are expected to be highly educated. Governments in some countries therebefore have implemented or planned to enforce the laws about raising the school leaving age. This movement gives rise to much controversy in the community. In this essay, we will discuss some arguments for and against studying until the age of eighteen.

The proposal would help tackle the problem of teenagers leaving education without qualifications or workplace skills. It is not strictly about increasing the 'school' leaving age, but about keeping teens in some kind of education or training until they are 18, most of them full-time, including apprenticeships and work-based training. Especially in this competitive society, obtaining certain qualifications or pursuing higher education is an inevitable trend. If you left school a decade ago with an age under 18 there were loads of jobs you could walk into without qualifications, however that's not going to be the case now and in the future. This fast-changing world needs more professionals to support and develop, and normally students can only be qualified when they finished high school or technical school while reaching 18.

Some people, on the other hand, argue that there is no reason to force all 16 year olds to stay in school longer than they need to be there. By the age of sixteen, some students have a strong sense of who they are and what they want to become. Forcing these confident young people to "stay in school" until they turn 18 could actually be deterring them from achieving their career and life goals.

In my opinion of view, these so called confident young people under 18 are rare and it is still beneficial for them to receive training for their career preparation. The modern education system cannot afford to neglect those teenagers who currently leave school at 16 unprepared for the rigor and demands of life in the 21st Century.


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