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2016年5月19日雅思写作考试大作文范文(293 words)

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5月19日雅思写作大作文考的是一道社会类的题目:In many countries women are able to join the armed forces. However, some people think only men should be members of the army, navy and air force. To what extent do you agree or disagree?很多国家,女人能够加入武装部队。然而,一些人认为只有男人应该成为陆军,海军和空军的一员,多大程度上你同意或不同意?来看这篇范文!


Sample answer:

When it comes to the issue about whether the army should be only accessible to males, some people may argue that females should not be allowed to join the military, but I cannot agree with this opinion.

Admittedly, women have some weakness if they really intend to be a part of the army. It is acknowledged that men are more physically powerful than women, which allows men to take some heavy work. If women really become members of the military, they may not be accustomed to some exercise and training that exhaust people easily, such as running in a long distance every day. Nevertheless, that does not necessarily deny the necessity of joining the army for women.

Initially, women could also be responsible for some positions in the military. It is true that most work in the forces is heavy, but there always exists some exception. For example, it is common that men may be hurt during some tasks and women are better to take care of the injured since they usually turn out to be more patient and focus on details.

Furthermore, permitting females to participate in the army contributes to the gender equality. Not only the army but also other many occupations are often open to men, but not women. Providing that women are empowered in the navy or air force, females of other fields could be encouraged to ask for access and break the obstacle of gender discrimination. Thus, there is a need for women to ask for the right to take part in the army, which could alleviate the level of gender inequality.

In sum, considering that some jobs may suit women and gender equity needs to be achieved, governments should open some positions for females in the military.

(293 words)


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