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1.… should also be talking more to tour operators, and even darker forces, from the conservationists’ viewpoint, like road-builders and mining companies.


2.… play safe investing in property developments in Russia’s big cities and avoid the North Caucasus.

(中国投资者应该)在俄罗斯的大城市的房产业进行稳健的投资,并且避开北高加索地区。 would be sensible to suggest that they are interrelated and interdependent in this age of globalization.


4.we should take advantage of international cooperation to make contribution to our society.


5.the international business and world environment protection can be win-win.


6.the international cooperation is supposed to promote well.


7.Languages develop over thousands of years but they can be lost in a generation.


8.Languages are judged to be at risk if there is a combination of few speakers and little enthusiasm or support for learning.



1.As a consequence, every country involved in the partnership should establish some reasonable goals to control the pollution.


2.The international cooperation boots international business, which are conductive to people enjoying the commodities in other countries.


3.The international cooperation produces obvious benefits in a short term, while the profits in environment protection need a long time to demonstrate obviously.


4.As a consequence, people are easy to associate it with business and they tend to define the international cooperation as commerce exclusively.


5.Most Maronites tend to marry outside the clan now and very few speak the language to their children, eroding the most distinctive aspect of the community'sidentity.


6.She had been losing her sight in recent years and was unable to converse with anyone in her own language since the other surviving Bo speaker died several years ago.


7.The loss of Boa and her mother tongue highlights the plight of the indigenous people on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a key Indian naval outpost that foreigners can visit only with a special permit.


8.Skordis and Constantinou held a workshop with a group of Samis, an indigenous Norwegian minority group that succeeded in rescuing its own endangered language.



1.A few decades hence America will still be richer than China, and far, far richer than Africa. But for every collector who continues to buy evolving European and American art, an increasing number will turn to art from other parts of the world.


2.Contemporary art, usually one of the first sectors to suffer from a downturn, saw sales fall compared with the previous year. But the decline was small given the state of the world economy.


3.Instead of the traditional art academy, where students imitated historical paintings and recreated tired archetypes of beauty, he conceived of a place where painters, sculptors, architects and designers worked together in experimental laboratories.


4.Taiwanese taste, says Pi Li, co-owner of Boers-Li, a Beijing gallery, is “elegant” and leans towards expatriate artists like Yan Pei Ming (who lives in France) and Zhang Huan and MrCai (who live in New York), whereas mainland buyers like “wilder things”. Hong Kong, by contrast, is a hybrid culture, where collectors love international art, particularly Pop.


5.Casual workers ― who get jobs at times and remain unpaid at other times ― account for 30%, while only 10% of the working population are regular employees.


6.Although India’s manufacturing and service sectors have been growing faster than agriculture for many years, they failed to wean people from agriculture at the necessary pace, leading to lopsided employment distribution.


7.As of 2007, just over 50% of total employment in India was associated with agriculture, while industry accounted for around 20% and services 30%.


8.The number of people still engaged in agriculture in India doesn’t compare too favourably with its emerging market peers.



1. However, less likely candidates appear on the list: Welsh is still “vulnerable” but is growing in strength due to support from the devolved Welsh Assembly and renewed interest after decades of apathy from much of the population.


2.This kind of work can throw up nice surprises. Sometimes you say a language is dead and you get an angry phone call from someone saying “That’s not dead, my uncle speaks it!” which is partly the point of this work.


3.Among them, around 150 are critical and the number of living speakers has fallen to single figures or just one. Healthy languages such as English, Spanish or Chinese, are excluded.


4.Some museums are looking at ways to diversify income and add value to their existing services, with 69% of respondents planning to concentrate on generating more income over the next year and 62% increasing their fundraising activity.(BBC)


5.They struggle in many ways with issues such as cultural property, repatriation and the exhibition of human remains(Guardian)


6.What are the ethical considerations that go into a display of human remains, for example? How are we to respond to the legacy of colonialism? (Guardian)


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