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Task:When new towns are planned, it is important to build more public parks or sports facilities than shopping centers for people to spend their free time. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2016/04/16)




When a new town is planned, there is always a problem to solve: whether should they build more public parks or sports facilities or more shopping centers? Although more shopping malls may provide conveniences for those shoppers, I believe building more public facilities is a far better choice.



More public facilities help people to live a more satisfying life. With a public park nearby, even the laziest person will go outdoors and breathe the fresh air there. People can take a walk in the park together with their family members, chatting and having a lot of fun. This is of course much beneficial to their health than staying at home, sitting in front of TV or a computer like a sofa potato. At the same time, when people are enjoying their time in the park or the sports field, the town or city will become a lot more peace and quiet.


(1) 本段论述建设公共设施的好处是为人提供更满意的生活。由以下两个方面的好处:其一是能督促人出门活动和呼吸新鲜空气,比起呆在家里对人们健康更有益。其二是人们有地方享受和消磨时间,使得生活更安静和平。

(2) chatting and having a lot of fun表示伴随,边散步,边聊天玩乐。

(3) be beneficial to 对…有益

However, if there are more shopping centres than parks in the town or city, it will become much more crowded, noisy and dirty. When the street is lined with all kinds of stores, there will benumerous vehicles coming and going, and when shoppers rush into these stores, they will make noiseintolerable to the city dwellers. As so many people crowd into a limited space like a shopping centre, the safety problem may also arise. Some people may argue that, despite all these problems, more shopping centres will benefit people by saving their shopping time. This argument does not hold much water, however. On the one hand, having to push your way through throngs of people when shopping does not really save your time; on the other hand, as more and more families have cars, it does not really cost more time if they drive to the shopping centres built in the wider space outside of the town or city.


(1) 本段论述建设购物中心的坏处,包括使交通拥挤,噪音吵闹和街道脏乱;而且由于拥挤购物中心并不真正节省时间,而且私家车使得去郊外也方便(言下之意是购物中心不应该建在城镇中而应该建在郊区)。

(2) be lined with 排列着…

(3) numerous=plentiful,用来代替many等简单表达

(4) intolerable=unendurable=hard to tolerate/endure 难以忍受的

(5) do not hold much water (观点)站不住脚

To conclude, I prefer to have more public facilities to shopping centres in a new town. A town with more public facilities is more peaceful, quiet and safer while a town with more shopping centres is noisy, crowded and therefore less desirable. My suggestion is that shopping centres be built in the suburb of the town/city where more spaces are available.









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