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2018年3月3日场雅思写作真题:In many countries, prison is the most common solution to the problem of crime. However, another effective way is to provide people with better education so that they can not become criminals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?范文来自唐老雅。范文配写作审题及解析。

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In many parts of the world, people who have violated the law are put into prison, which is a very effective way of preventing them committing more crimes. However, many experts believe that better education is probably an even more effective way of addressing the problem of crime. I would suggest that both prison and education are important and each plays a different role in crime control.


Prison is certainly a place where criminals can be made to understand what wrong they have done to other people and why what they have done before is not socially acceptable. In this way, these criminals will have a better chance to come back to normal life. On top of the remedial function, prison can serve as a deterrent for those with an inclination to crime. The likelihood of losing freedom in prison can most effectively stop them from doing harms to the society and other individuals.


Better education can also bring down the overall crime rate in any community, and it is the most desirable preventive measure against crime. To start with, education improves people’s moral standards which enable them to tell right from wrong so that they will build a robust inner wall against any antisocial behaviors. More importantly, people with better education are always able to find a satisfying career that will reward them with a decent life, and they will never think of committing any crime.


In conclusion, prison with its remedial and deterrent function and education with its preventive function are both needed in order to make this world a safer place for all of us to live in.(273 words)



1. violate the law 违法;犯法

2. Address the problem of... 解决......问题

3. Come back to normal life 回到正常生活

4. On top of 除了......

5. Remedial 挽救的;补救的

6. Deterrent 威慑(的)

7. Bring down 降低

8. Preventive 预防的

9. Robust 牢固的

10. Antisocial 反社会的

11. Reward 回报(n.& v.)


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