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The pie charts show the class size in primary (elementary) schools in four states in Australia in 2010.





The pie charts compare the number of pupils in elementary schools in four states of Australia in the year 2010.

It is clear to see that there were 21-25 students having a class in most primary schools ( 51%) in Australian Capital Territory, and the second common class size was 20 students or fewer per class, accounting for 38%. The same situation occurred in Western Australia, and New South Wales whose major elementary school’s class size was 21-25 students per class, taking up 42% and 37% respectively.

On the contrary, 35% of primary schools in South Australia arranged 20 students or fewer in one class, and its figure exceeded the proportion of class size with 21-25 students (33%). In this state, 26-30 students attended classes together in 28% of primary schools, which was almost matched by that in Western Australia; while only 10% of schools in Australian Capital Territory was with that class size. In contrast, it was another general size in New South Wales, with 33%.

Overall, it can be seen that the fewest primary schools in four states had the class size of 30 students or more. However, most of them enrolled 21-25 students in every class


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本文标题:2017年7月29日雅思写作考试小作文范文:饼图 - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


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