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2018年2月10日场的雅思考试已经结束,为大家带来本场雅思写作社会类话题:Reading for pleasure can develop imagination and language skills better than watching TV. To what extent you agree or disagree? 阅读能比看电视更能培养想象力和语言能力。在多大程度上你同意或不同意?为大家带来雅思哥版雅思写作真题高分范文。

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Watching TV is a common way for people to spend their leisure time, wit) various programs available on the screen 24 hours a day. However, there is a viewpoint that those who prefer reading books to watching TV can become more imaginative and capable of using the language. I agree with this point to some extent.

First of all, compared with watching T//, reading books gives people more room for imagination. When we read the description of the scenery, we tend to visualize it in our minds. As people have different understanding about written words, the pictures in our minds may vary from person to person. By contrast, if the picture is shown on the screen, we just accept what we see, which is usually the same in different people's eyes. Therefore, those TV fans are likely to become passive, with their imagination restricted by pictures presented before them.

Another advantage of reading lies in its contribution to the improvement of people's language skills, particularly for children. When people watch W, they focus more on the image and sound, paying less attention to the language itself. Besides, much of the language in W programs is oral style, not as formal and precise as the language on books. Those who are addicted to watching TV and unwilling to read may find their writing skills declining, which is illustrated by various spelling and grammatical mistakes in their writing.

In conclusion, viewing TV is a good way of relaxation, but we should encourage people to do more reading for better development of their imagination and language skills. (264 words)


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