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2018年9与额3日场的雅思大作文写作真题:Some people think that too much money and time have been allocated in scientific research.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?关于科研上的巨大投入是否是一种时间和金钱的过度投资一直是比较受争议的话题,小站雅思君觉得科研对人类社会的发展是有必要的,但是如何使用这笔资金更值得大家思考。不如一起先来看看唐老雅版的写作范文吧:


Research is the most important activity to achieve scientific progress for a better future. To a great extent, scientific research is necessary and not a waste of time and money. The bottom line is that scientific research not only needs more funding, but also “smarter” spending.


Scientific research, although being expensive and laborious, is the engine of human prosperity by endlessly seeking the truth to clear doubts and find solutions. To begin with, advances across virtually all fields of science show promise for solving puzzles about the nature of the world—from diseases and climate-change to the origin of the universe. For most scientists, the search for truth is the main motivation to a career characterized by long hours and personal sacrifice, but huge money is also required to carry out their research projects successfully. And this is why most people would agree that investments in scientific research pay off in the long run, while only a minority would argue that it is not worth the huge time and money put into it.


Nevertheless, the public needs to be convinced that money (along with time) is being spent wisely since pointless scientific research projects may burn through time and money, which leads to a meaningless waste in both, of course. To avoid that waste, scientists need to prove that their research projects are worth it, and that the spending is in an acceptable manner for scientific advancement. Unfortunately, the inefficiency or uncertainty at both government and university levels where research is being conducted sometimes do make people think that the investment in some unnecessary research projects is not“smart” enough, so to speak.



In conclusion, it is necessary to invest in research for scientific progress. But scientific research should be done wisely so as not to result in a waste of time and money. In all events, there would be no better tomorrow without scientific research today.



1. Scientific research, although being expensive and laborious, is the engine of human prosperity by endlessly seeking the truth to clear doubts and find solutions.


2. Advances across virtually all fields of science show promise for solving puzzles about the nature of the world—from diseases and climate-change to the origin of the universe.


3. For most scientists, the search for truth is the main motivation to a career characterized by long hours and personal sacrifice, but huge money is also required to carry out their research projects successfully.


4. Unfortunately, the inefficiency or uncertainty at both government and university levels where research is being conducted sometimes do make people think that the investment in some unnecessary research projects is not “smart” enough, so to speak.


5.Scientific research should be done wisely so as not to result in a waste of time and money.


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本文标题:2018年9月13日雅思写作大作文真题7分范文:科研是资源浪费? - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


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