
雅思大作文7种写作误区实例解读 语法错误最致命

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Last but not least, those who lacks skills to deal with people and fails to control their emotions would more likely to form prejudice during their international travel. It is a common situation to get cheated by people there for the reason of ignorance of local situation. Necessarily, open-minded is required to deal with unjudged treatments. Otherwise the bad memories would not only affect the journey but lead to the prejudice towards all the citizens of the place.


Last but not least, those who lacks(lack) skills to deal with people and fails(fail) to control their emotions would (be)more likely to form prejudice during their international travel. It is a common situation to get cheated by people there for the reason of ignorance of local situation. Necessarily, open-minded(open-mindedness) is required to deal with unjudged(这个词是什么意思?unfair吧?)treatments. Otherwise the bad memories would not only affect the journey but lead to the prejudice towards all the citizens of the place.



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