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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends! China Classifieds!


  What change would make your hometown more appealing to people your age? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


  I think that people my age would like to have a place to go after school. They could go there to socialize, have meetings, and just relax.

  In my town, there are a few tea houses, but these are reserved for our fathers and their friends. Teenagers do not go there unless it’s to carry message to their fathers. We need a place where we can meet after school to talk about school and other subjects that interest us.

  At our own tea house, we could also have meetings. Those would be like club meetings. We could have a debating society, a poetry reading group, or a political club. We could meet after school one night a week and have our meetings.

  We need a place where we could just relax away from our family. Our home life is very hectic; there are a lot of younger children making a lot of noise in the evening. We need a quiet place to study, read the paper, or just sit.

  If our town had a tea house reserved for teenagers, it would be good for our parents since they would always know where we were. They would know that we were just socializing, or meeting, or just relaxing with our friends.

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