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  You need to travel from your home to a place40 miles (64 kilometers) away. Compare thedifferent kinds of transportation you could use.Tell which method of travel you would choose.Give specific reasons for your choice.

  Model Essay(范文):

  Choosing the Best Transportation

  There are many different types of transportationwhich I could use to travel 40 miles from my home.The type of transportation I would choose depends mainly on how fast I need to get thereand how much money I have. Some possibilities are walking, horseback riding, driving, or usinga taxi, bus, or train.

  The most economical choice is walking. It costs nothing, is healthful, but it is timeconsuming. The average person can walk about 4-5 miles per hour, so this trip would take atleast 10 hours to complete. That means I would probably have to spend the night somewherealong the way. If I have to spend money for a hotel, then this choice really isn't free. Plus, Imight arrive at the end tired and with sore feet! After walking comes animal transportation. Inmy area, horses are not common, so it wouldn't be a likely choice. I believe that a 40-mile tripwould take 2 or 3 hours on a horse. If I had free access to a horse, the cost would be minimal.Of course, I'd have to know how to ride!

  With a car, the travel time is minimal (under one hour), with only the cost of gasoline toconsider. However, I don't own a car, and car rentals are expensive. Shared taxis are one formof affordable transportation, with 4 or 5 people sharing the cost of a car trip to a commondestination. The only downside is finding people to share the fare with me. Fortunately, I livein an urban area, where there are buses and trains to ride. One of these would be my firstchoice.

  In short, the kind of transportation depends on how fast I need to get to my destinationand how much money I have. If I need to get there first, and money isn't important, I can hire aprivate taxi. Since I don't own my own car. I don't have that option, and I have never walked40 miles ins one trip. I usually depend on the bus and trains, and would do so in thiscircumstance. They are cheap, dependable and reliable.

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